Join us as we all heal and restore our emotional well-being in a post-Covid world!
Therapist, Sheryl Sarmento is a favorite returning guest and she speaks on grieving as it relates to emotional wellness! October is emotional wellness month and Sheryl‘s message is a must for every person to hear.
It is relevant to Explicit Movement topics and issues that we cover on identity, and healing!
There’s a special message for pastors and church leaders to ponder in this powerful interview! Sheryl also shares about a newly released workbook especially for wives of husbands who have a sex addiction or porn addiction. Powerful stuff! This is a powerful resource for friends, pastors and Christian therapists to recommend to those wives who are hurting in this situation.
Sheryl’s website
Sheryl’s new workbook Pearl’s of the Heart : A Workbook Journey for women who desire to heal from your husband’s sexual addiction: Click HERE